Circuit diagram:
Inductorless 3-5 Volts Converter Circuit Diagram
When the feedback voltage (pin 3 of IC2) exceeds 1.18 V, the output of comparator IC2 (a MAX921) goes high, turning off the oscillator via T1. The comparator hysteresis (easily added on IC2) is zero here simply because no hysteresis is required in the control loop. The oscillator when enabled generates two cycles, which is sufficient to drive VOUT slightly above the desired level. Next, the feedback turns the oscillator off again. The resulting output ripple will depend mainly on the input voltage and the output load current. Output ripple may be reduced at the expense of circuit efficiency by adding a small resistor (say, 1 ?) in series with C1. You’ll find that ripple also depends on the value and ESR associated with C1 - smaller values of C1 transfer less charge to C2, producing smaller jumps in V OUT.
Author: D. Prabakaran - Copyright: Elektor July-August 2004