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Bidirectional Photoelectric System
detectors are usually unidirectional, i.e. they are able to detect when
someone enters a particular area but not when leaves it. On the
contrary, a system able to detect movement in both directions could be
useful to control shops, rooms etc.
If installed in a shop it could allow to know if all customers entering
the premises have left them at the end of the day. Or, at home, it could
be used to switch on the light (or any other electric device) when one
enters the room and to switch off the electric device when he or she
leaves it.
Furthermore, the circuit is able to control the number of people, as it
switches off the electrical device only when the last person has left
the controlled area.

Bidirectional Photoelectric System
detectors are usually unidirectional, i.e. they are able to detect when
someone enters a particular area but not when leaves it. On the
contrary, a system able to detect movement in both directions could be
useful to control shops, rooms etc.
If installed in a shop it could allow to know if all customers entering
the premises have left them at the end of the day. Or, at home, it could
be used to switch on the light (or any other electric device) when one
enters the room and to switch off the electric device when he or she
leaves it.
Furthermore, the circuit is able to control the number of people, as it
switches off the electrical device only when the last person has left
the controlled area.